Acupuncture, Natural Fertility Therapy, Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) in Stroud
I am an experienced acupuncturist and massage therapist. I specialize in treating people in pain, with serious health problems or fertility issues. If you are in pain or suffering from health problems or fertility issues I can help you now! In As...
Acupuncture, Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), Acupressure in Malvern
Pip is a registered acupuncturist who has studied with many master acupuncturists and leading professionals in the field - from the UK, Canada, France and America. She obtained an honours degree in Five Element Acupuncture (Lic Ac, BA Hons) from the...
Acupuncture, Shiatsu, Reiki in Malvern
My passion is helping people improve the quality of their lives, on the body, mind, emotional and spiritual levels. The therapies I’ve trained in enable me to touch the different levels mentioned above.
Acupuncture, Natural Fertility Therapy, Reiki in Kenilworth
*Traditional Acupuncture- stress, anxiety, poor sleep, depression, pain, mobility, sports injuries, allergies, hayfever, skin conditions, digestive complaints,IBS , high blood pressure, migraine, IVF, fertility, Phobias. Traditional Acupuncture can h...